Sneak Peek: New Newsletter and Email Templates and Editor
We are happy to announce our upcoming release of new design tools for customized email messages and newsletters. These features will empower your design team to create beautiful templates that staff can use and reuse to create custom newsletters, invitations, fundraising appeals and more. Just a few of the new features include:
- Responsive design so your messages look great on every platform—you can even choose whether to hide some elements of your message on devices of different sizes
- Support for single-, double- and multiple-column layout throughout the message
- Drag-and-drop addition of new sections and media
- Easy-to-create buttons and links
- Support for social media
- DK Links is built in to simplify linking to your organization’s Doubleknot pages
Newsletters and emails created with these tools will be sent through Communications Center. so you can address the message to any recipients including the results of a saved constituent query; previous donors, members, visitors and registrants; and more.
Stay tuned for upcoming information about release dates and training webinars!
Sample email invitation created with new design tools
