July 20, 2018

We are pleased to announce that Togetherpay, our preferred merchant account provider, now supports direct deposit for ACH (electronic check) payments! As a result, customers using Togetherpay will no longer need to request ACH/electronic funds from Doubleknot. ACH funds will automatically be deposited like other payment types.
If your organization already uses Togetherpay and accepts ACH/electronic checks, we’ll be enabling ACH direct deposit for you over the next few weeks. We’ll send you a notification five business days prior to the change as well as after ACH direct deposit is enabled. Thanks to clients Del-Mar-Va Council and Western Los Angeles Area Council for helping us test this new product!
If your organization uses Togetherpay but doesn’t currently accept ACH/electronic checks, we’d be happy to enable it for you! Please contact support@doubleknot.com and let us know that you’re interested in accepting ACH payments.
If your organization uses a different merchant account provider and you’d like to take advantage of Togetherpay’s many benefits, please contact us for more information. And, per our recent series of customer communications, if your organization uses Authorize.net, you must complete your switch to Togetherpay by December 31, 2018.

Togetherpay is a secure and reliable credit card processing solution that enables Doubleknot to provide complete credit card processing and one-stop customer service. Togetherpay’s advantages include:
- A single low transaction rate. This single rate will make it easier for your organization to calculate fees for financial planning and may save you money.
- No underwriting requirements. Your organization won’t have to sign any applications, submit to any credit checks or be restricted by arbitrary caps and limits.
- Direct funds deposit. With Togetherpay, you can choose to automatically deposit 100 percent of payments collected from credit card and ACH/electronic check transactions directly to your bank account within two business days. The percentage and per-transaction fees will be collected as a single debit on the tenth day of the following month. With direct deposit, you don’t need to manually request funds transfer—the complete amount of the payments are automatically deposited into your account.
- Monthly deduction of credit card fees. Credit card fees are deducted monthly based on the net of the transactions (charges minus refunds) for the previous month.
- One-stop support. When a charge needs to be investigated, Doubleknot’s professional services staff will handle the entire process. Just call us and we’ll take care of it!
- No annual or hidden fees. There are no gateway fees, statement fees, interchange fees, batch fees, authorization fees or other additional fees for credit card processing.
Please contact us at support@doubleknot.com for more information, to enable ACH on your Togetherpay account or to let us know that you’re ready to start taking advantage of Togetherpay’s many benefits.